Monday 31 October 2022


Achieve your fitness goals when busy

  1. Set a specific period of time (e.g. 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month). We suggest documenting and writing down every day for a week.
  2. Categorize your tasks and track them by intervals.
    Organize your main daily tasks into categories (e.g. commute, work, email, meetings, lunch, exercise, miscellaneous). Set an interval (e.g. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes) and at the end of each interval write down what you did and how many minutes it took you to do it.
  3. Summarize, analyze and prioritize
    At the end of each day, note which category took the most time and how many minutes were spent on unplanned activities.By the end of the week, you should have enough data to see where most of your time is going and if you have any time gaps.

    After analyzing your time record, you should create blocks of time for your daily tasks and activities. This allows you to prioritize and reevaluate what you should be spending your energy on. It also helps you gauge how much free time you have.

  4. Do you want to live healthier and get the best out of yourself, but you just don’t have the time to be consistent and really make it happen? That’s how it is for many people.  Learn more<<

Sunday 30 October 2022

ova fitness

ova fitness 

Cardio exercises are not only a good way to explore variety, they also offer great cardio and weight-loss benefits.

Being more light on feet is not only a more comfortable but it can also help you lose weight by burning more calories. Cardiovirular exercises such as brisk walking, low-impact dancing activities like Zumba, and swimming can help improve metabolic rate and helps you burn fat as your overall structure improves with cardio exercise. If you are just getting starting with cardio because of increased weightlifting or catching up baseball or your other favorite sport that required lots of running, the level of progression may take time with patience from both the trainer and yourself. Many trainers will push back if the person is not bearing any results in a month span -- which could be frustrating for those who are new to doing any type of cardio workouts, or haven't done many in their lifetime all together --- though this may seem harsh, wellness professionals want to make.

Cardio workouts are exercises designed to increase your heart rate and make your body more efficient. There are many types of cardio exercises, which can focus on various muscle groups from the arms to the chest and abdominals.

Even though you really need a cardiological professional to start with, there are some unique cardio workouts for people who have one or more health concerns like asthma, COPD or diabetes. Also, do not forget about cardio equipment that needs space and can be rather annoying for other family members at home.

To know more click here:

 30-Day Swimsuit Exercise                                                                 Ovafitness So young ladies! Summer is coming quick...